1h 30min Date - Outcall Only
Quick, yet unforgettable, your perfect 90 minutes escape
2h Date - Outcall Only
Just 30 minutes more for an experience that feels as twice as special
3h Date - Outcall Only
Begin with either breakfast, lunch or dinner and let our private moments afterwards be the ultimate indulgence.
4h Date - Outcall Only
Begin with either breakfast, lunch or dinner and let our private moments afterwards be the ultimate indulgence.
+1 Hour In-Date Extension
Still craving my company? Extend our date and let's keep the sparks flying.
Full Day (8 hrs)
Are you ready for a Full Day of bliss? Let's escape together for a journey of shared pleasure and private connections.
Over Night - Outcall Only (14 hrs)
Please note this booking is only available to returning clients or those who have booked a date including social time.
Your City, My visit, Let Hampton bring her magic to you.
This exclusive service is quoted on a POA basis and requires at least 2 week's notice for Europe bookings and 4 weeks notice for other Continents.
Terms and condition apply.